Please Help Us Now
Hello and welcome to all you good people, especially all you over 65 wonderful people, do you ever get the feeling that if the Government could get away with it they would kill us all off? Most of us have worked hard all our lives and in our latter years as we retire, many of us suffer from the effects of spending 50+ years working hard and paying our taxes thinking when we reach 65plus we will be well looked after and want for nothing?
Well sorry to disappoint you all but every year the Government keep moving the goal post back?
Did you know:-
Now you have to be at least 67+ to get your pension?
At the same time they have also excluded us from obtaining certain help benefits like PIP, Mobility Schemes along with other Benefits,
Remember that for many of us this is very time we need special help and assistance mainly due to all the hard work we have done throughout our working life, often in unhealthy working and life changing conditions leading to many of us are now unable to walk or even get about in a car as we cannot afford the price of these new cars, so how come we cannot get a Mobility Vehicle when we get past the 62 mark? It is almost impossible to get a Mobility Vehicle.
Please Help Us? Please ask your MPs, we need volunteers and Helpers, Please Help this dedicated non profit charity ( Please remember whatever age you are! Help us make the changes now to not only help our elderly pensioners but by helping us you also help the pensioners of tomorrow which could be you? Please Help.
We are in desperate need for new volunteers, we also require at least two more ‘trustees’ to help’ with helping us to get funding maybe you have been connected with a charity in the past and would like to bring your skills on to our charity. Please get in touch if you would like to help not only us but our Forgotten Millions
An update on how we are progressing or not in our case with trying to get our charity register with the Charity Commission we believe that because of our age we should be given special assistance or help with us old codgers trying to conduct an online application, to avoid us paying a fortune out on equipment we are never going to use again? If possible please target your local MP thanks Brian.
As we don’t have a clue with PDF and don’t own a scanner or fancy equipment that will enable us to complete the application form to their satisfaction, anybody out there who would like to point us in the right direction please get in touch we need your help if ‘your charity’ is to continue.
So how does a small 100% Non-Profit making charity like ours not only get recognition but that vital Registered Charity Number to help us get established and show that we are a charity helping the UKs Lonely Elderly people who Need our help? Well it seems almost impossible without us spending a lot of time and money. Needles to say we got turned down. So here is a copy of our letter sent to the UKs MPs asking for their help?
65plus Charity
1 Victoria Road, Bailiff Bridge
Brighouse. HD6 4DX West Yorkshire
Re:- UK Government Hell Bent On Discriminating Against the Forgotten Millions
Hello. Can you please tell us why the UK Government is hell bent on Discriminating against the Forgotten Millions and totally un-helpful to our group of Lonely 65plus resident in the UK?
We are a small group of pensioners who have spent over two years finding out why a vast majority of our members are so lonely and what we can really do to help these poor people without spending millions of pounds on brainless schemes that NEVER work.
First of all not just the government but almost everybody else who try to converse with us pensioners, cannot get it into their head that the vast majority of us DO NOT have access to the internet, DO NOT understand the internet, DO NOT Want the internet, DO NOT feel safe with the internet. Yet they constantly bombard us with Links and info for us to connect to the internet we don’t want. Maybe this is why we are the real FORGOTTON MILLIONS.
From our extensive research we found out what we and most of our members thought was a wonderful way not only to converse with our members but we have taken on board many of their thoughts and ideas. Hence ‘65plus’ was born its aims is simple, our free members who want to can send us their thought, memories, old forgotten sayings, etc.
We then compile, print and post a free large print newsletter to our members who wish to receive one by post and even those of us who do have the internet they can even read the newsletter on line at https://65plus/
Although the full cost of this trial newsletter has been met by our own pensions and life saving it could not go on forever, this when we hit the brick wall because unless we pay a specialist thousands of pounds have fancy computers and operators, fancy phones, fancy software we cannot register our charity. Without paying out thousands of pounds we can ill afford to spend on all these things we don’t even need, if this is not discriminating us, I don’t know what is.
Without this registration number we cannot apply for funding, cannot get smart collection boxes, cannot get a free banking, cannot get our VAT back, we cannot even complete our website without this number, etc.
It seems the only way we can get this little number we need is to fill out loads and loads of forms on the government website that we do not understand how to do this, nor do we have the means and software to complete this registration, we did try but it was a waste of time.
On top of this they want us to do a turnover exceeding 5K to register surely this should be below 5K if it really wanted to help genuine small charities that don’t take a single penny out of the kitty. Also the turnover of a charity should be less important than what the charity is doing for the good of their poor members not our turnover. Instead of these fat cats taking in access of many hundreds of thousands of pounds in the name of their charity.
I wonder what your thoughts are on this? Please see our website to really understand our predicament and aims.
Kind regards from a Heart Broken Founder Brian Stewart and the team of a doomed charity
P.S. it seems if we were to start a brainless multi million pound charity that would be welcomed with open arms?s